Drivers are in higher demand than ever. The first 90 days of Driver Experience (DX) is critical to assess, educate and ultimately retain the people you have worked so hard to get onto your team. Make your DX blow away the competition.

ProDriverHR was asked to help reduce the frequency of collisions in one of our client's divisions where driving is a necessary component of their every day job, but secondary to the primary responsibilities they were hired to perform. It was important to the client that they improve this in the first 90 days of employment as the highest incident rates were seen in this critical time. With sites across Canada, finding a scalable, cost-effective solution was the challenge we were eager to take on!
ProDriverHR and the client designed an initial fleet analysis program to have all drivers perform a web based digital evaluation at their regional office. The assessments we chose were intensely focused on establishing an overall risk score along with the scores on 7 core areas of driving behavior, 6 core areas of attitude and identifies 0-18 specific facets of driving where improvement may be indicated.
Upon completion of the driver evaluations, ProDriverHR provided risk scoring data that identified the levels and types of risk at the driver, site, division and corporate levels. Risk scoring was presented to management and back to the drivers themselves to provide awareness of the risks that were most likely to create concern. The combined data meant that the company moved forward with improved outcomes in their risk, insurance and other operational costing.



Improved Driver Behavior

Cost Effective