The first steps in Driver Experience attached with your brand are crucial. This sets the stage for all further experiences and often helps determine the longevity of a new hires time with your company. We help you completing a tight professional process that quickly assesses, acquires and measures the best driving talent for your organization.

Spanning 5 states and 45 locations, our client's margins were being significantly reduced through high turnover and claims, especially in new hires. ProDriver HR’s process and tools helped them to decrease claims and retain 37.8% more drivers over a one year period. The leadership team brought in ProDriverHR technologies to identify proactive solutions to these issues and improve the bottom line!
ProDriverHR analyzed "top performers" within the company to build a profile of the traits and characteristics that contributed to a driver becoming highly regarded by management, clients and co-workers. ProDriverHR then administered custom evaluations to over 400 newly hired drivers in the region over the course of a year. The evaluations were completed as part of the on-boarding process and took approximately one hour total per driver to complete both evaluations. The new hires were then monitored for performance, on-road incidents and employment status and these results were compared to their ProDriverHR scores and Top Performer profile.
As part of the trial, drivers were also assigned one interactive video module per month for six months dealing with top causes of driver claims.
It became apparent very early on that the ProDriverHR results were highly correlated to job performance, on-road incidents and how long drivers stayed with the company. The data was so compelling that the program is being utilized for pre-hire applications, training type and prioritization, and multi-year ongoing training programs.



Improved Driver Behavior

Cost Effective