You have a new driver on your team, recruited, hired, onboarded and trained! Congratulations! So much effort is put into getting people into the company and trained yet many companies struggle to keep the drivers they worked so hard to obtain.

This 6,000+ driver organization delivers parts to its customers daily using light-duty vehicles. Despite huge investments in telematics technology, poor driving behavior was leading to incidents and losses. Leadership was introduced to the concept of a low-cost, easy- to-implement driver behavior solution that could help drivers align with, understand, and eventually surpass driving behavior expectations. The agreement as forged to encourage better driving behavior, which would lead to decreases in risk events and fuel costs in the short term and maintenance and insurance costs in the long term.
Drivers were studied without seeing a behavior score for a period of 90 days to determine a baseline for risk events and overall driver scoring. The drivers were then exposed to behavior scoring, could see the areas they needed to improve and were shown their rank on a leaderboard within the company with regards to their score. Risk events and fuel costs were measured based on distance traveled during the 90-day baseline period and for an ensuing period on the same basis.
The program demonstrated that implementing an engaging driver behavior scoring technology can deliver increased financial returns and employee engagement, while decreasing driver risk events and fuel costs. Using the driver event reduction statistics from the study, there is great confidence that both maintenance and insurance premium costs will decrease significantly over time as well. Check out the results and projections below!



Improved Driver Behavior

Cost Effective